



“Glad to hear that” Corazon chuckled, “Quite a party don’t you think?” She hadn’t seen her friend Arthur in a while, so spending some time with him put a smile on her face. She rested her cheek onto her knuckles with a grin as she saw his smirk.

However the thong that fell on her head from the ceiling fan ruined the seemingly suggestive atmosphere of the silent conversation. She flinched as she felt the garment land on her, “Oh my…” she chuckled as it slid down her long brown hair, “This is a bit… questionable…” She held it up, “Any idea whose this is po?”

Arthur chuckled sitting next to her. “No idea,”He said taking it and tossing it away. “Tell me dear how have you been?”He asked pulling her into his lap. Arthur had always claimed he liked human contact, but in all honesty it was just a lame excuse to make people sit on his lap.

“It’s been such a long time, I’ve missed you,”He said his green eyes looking into her brown one’s as he slowly let them drift lower and lower.

Corazon clicked her tongue and lifted his chin to look into his eyes, “Look up at me dear, not down” she smiled and rested her head onto the crook of his neck. “I’ve been so busy lately… I never thought I’d get so many commissions, add the fact that it’s photography and not traditional art” She sighed, humming as she lightly drew circles on his arm. “… I missed you too Arthur…”

Arthur smiled chucking to himself a bit at her actions. “I’m sorry beautiful it’s just been so long since i last saw you I can’t help but look,”He said as his free arm softly wrapped around her. “And I’m glad your staying busy. Don’t make me feel as bad for touring all the time,”He said softly.

“Heh I can practically live in a plane because of the traveling I’ve done” she rested her arm on his shoulder and played with his hair, “Mm… Speaking of your tour, how much longer will you be doing it?” She adjusted herself to where she was facing him and tilted her head.