


“Okay, would you like to join me for dinner, Felipe? It’s a shame to spend Christmas alone, right?” Alfred asked. He could feel the heat rise to his cheeks. It’s not everyday he asks someone out to dinner… in a friendly sense. There was no reason for them to spend Christmas alone when they just met.

The Filipino blinked from the unexpected offer and gave it some thought. He could see the color starting to paint the man’s cheeks and chuckled lightly. Luckily he knew that it was just a friendly offer, or at least he thoght…

“It is a shame…” Felipe agreed, he slung the guitar case over his shoulder, “and I am rather hungry..” He grinned, “As long as you’re paying I’m in”

 Alfred ran his hand through his hair, not bothering to hide his smile from Felipe. He was more than happy to have company for Christmas dinner. “I don’t mind buying, but at least tell me what you want to eat, ya know? I’m down for anything,” he replied.

Felipe grinned from seeing the smile on his face, “Mexican and Chinese sounds awesome right now” he sighed happily and patted his case. “So we going now? I can serenade you while we walk if you want” he laughed. The offer made him rather happy, at least he met a new friend and that was good enough for a present.